Why I believe in Bitcoin

Why I believe in Bitcoin

Bitcoin is the largest in a new wave of approaches to currency. I would go into the technical details, but that actually makes understanding it much more confusing! If I explained how the Internet worked, for example, most people would go cross-eyed and wouldn’t want to use it! Trust me, Bitcoin works. It’s very, very […]

Dealing with Dunbar’s Number

Dealing with Dunbar’s Number

I am taking December off. My mind has reached its current limit this year and I need some time to integrate all I’ve been exposed to. It really does interest me whenever I hit a new mental limit, since it focuses me on getting beyond it. I am a life hacker, so I continually look […]

The Life Laundry

The Life Laundry

My family and I are homeless. And it feels good. Last year, we sold the home of my dreams because it did not fit with who we were anymore. It was a beautiful house that we had spent many years of time and effort getting right. The problem is, that during that time we changed […]

Fun Is Free

Fun Is Free

My wife and I have been having a lot of fun this month with our son Charlie. It all started when I read an inspiring blog post on something called Dinovember. For those who have not seen this explosive phenomenon, it involves simply convincing your children that their plastic dinosaurs come alive when they are […]

The Lies I Tell and The Excuses I Make

The Lies I Tell and The Excuses I Make

I am a liar. I lie to those around me all of the time. More disturbingly I lie to myself all of the time. Fear has always really held me back from realising my true potential. Traditionally I have always taken the easy safe road rather than the road that I was destined to follow. […]

How do you create the greatest place to live on earth?

How do you create the greatest place to live on earth?

I like big bold questions. They inspire, and provoke a different way of thinking. For me, there is nowhere better to apply this type of thinking than to the place where you live. ‘How do you create the greatest place on earth to live?’ is the question I spend much of my time thinking upon. […]

10x Thinking

10x Thinking

To me, one company stands out as most impressive in the world right now for its way of thinking. Not for its achievements today (although hugely influential), but for the impact its way of thinking will have on our collective futures.That company is Google. Their way of thinking is what they like to call ‘10x […]

Moving from the Beach to the Ocean

Moving from the Beach to the Ocean

In Mexico recently, I watched a turtle making its way from the beach to the ocean.  On land, it is a huge struggle for the turtle to move forward until the point where it hits the ocean. From then on, the journey becomes effortless. It feels a lot like where I am right now. This […]

Your Life is Your Art

Your Life is Your Art

Earlier this year I backed a Kickstarter project for an incredible book project promoting an ethos and type of living that really resonated with me. As a result, last week I got to spend a few days in London with the founders of Misfit Inc – one of the coolest companies on the planet. We […]

Introducing My Entourage

Introducing My Entourage

I have quite an entourage these days. It surprises me, but people are actually interested in how I resource my life. When I‘m asked anything enough times, I start to realise I should blog about it. The way I structure my life is somewhat unconventional, but it allows me to do what I do in […]