Most new companies fail within the first few years. In this day and age, the chances of building an organisation that succeeds in its mission are quite low. I’ve always found this curious, and have been quite unaccepting of that fact, in my mentoring of entrepreneurs, over the years. With those odds against you, why […]

Minimum Viable Maslow
This week sees the return of Burning Man – the outlier festival that builds a fully-working temporary city, as a model for human thriving. It’s all created out in the desert – where it’s quite a logistical challenge to thrive, anyway; you have to take everything you need with you, and be creative. The entire […]

Overcoming Inertia
Remember all those things you said you would do, but didn’t get round to it? What are you continually thinking about, yet not acting upon? Are you finding it harder to get things done, as time goes by? Living in our world of infinite choice and infinite opportunity can be paralyzing. Choice is a paradox. […]

Exploring Limitlessness
I’m fine with not knowing how to do something before I start doing it. In fact, that’s one of my strengths. For as long as I can remember, I have been very comfortable with ambiguity, and happy to set sail towards something, without knowing how I am going to get there. Initially, I didn’t know […]

Utter Irrelevance
I remember the intensity of school and university: how the environment and everyone in it were in ‘do or die’ mode, regarding the qualifications to be gained at that time. Later on in life, I reflect that those moments really didn’t matter as much as my mind thought they did, then. The pressure came from […]

The Fallow Year
One of the few things I remember learning at school was a land rotation technique that restores farming land by leaving it fallow. Continual farming of the same land in the same way gradually depletes its growing yield – unless it is left alone for awhile, to restore itself. This is an idea that’s always […]

Permissionless Progress
When we started The Dandelion Foundation, one unexpected realisation was that many people had ideas and answers for solving challenges in community, but they were waiting for permission (they didn’t need) to get started. Many people had no frame of reference for having an idea, and just making it happen. I grew up in an […]

Nodes In The Network
When we launched The Dandelion Foundation 4 years ago, we were initially a high-profile organisation with a very public lobbying and communication strategy. One of our challenges was that new ideas and approaches often create a lot of noise and push-back. Operating publicly, there was a need to demonstrate results and go for ‘quick wins’ […]

Wellbeing Assisted Transformation
One word that has become fashionable in modern times is ‘disruption’. The business world is talking about the disruption of old business models by new ways of doing things – and the difficulty of existing organisations in adapting, to make the transition from old to new ways. An often-used example is Kodak. This once-thriving market-leader […]

Engaged Indifference
It was at the neurofeedback institute, Biocybernaut, that I first heard the phrase ‘engaged indifference’. There, I learnt that our emotional responses in the present are often a signal to the past – and that we can let go of these emotional attachments. Emotional attachments like frustration, anger, self-pity, or simply wanting things done a […]