‘Poacher turned gamekeeper’ is a phrase I remember from my childhood. It means someone whose behaviour is the opposite of what it used to be. As an activist and changemaker, over the years, I have learnt how resistant to persuasion people are, and how readily they will cognitively dismiss new ways of doing things, or […]

Ego Flipping
Over the years, I have developed a technique that gets very quick results in terms of personal and collective transformation. I call it ‘ego flipping’. In short, it is a frame of thinking and subconscious reprogramming I have developed to get quick results, without requiring willpower or self-sacrifice. There’s nothing new about it, since it […]

Professionalism vs Being Human
The bureaucratic global demand for exacting policies and procedures has become stifling. The quest for ever-greater professionalism comes with an unintended cost: the price of being human. Large organisations and governments are increasingly driven by a desire to create consistent outcomes; so tied up in the quest for ‘perfection’ – afraid to get thing wrong […]

Systemic Leadership Development
What is it that creates leadership? What makes someone choose to step up and lead? How can we systematically create more leadership in our community or organisations? These are the questions I have been working on, and developing answers to, in the past four years. Underlying all the work I do, there is a singular […]

Democratising Wisdom
One moment in 2013 transformed my view of the world. It was during a lecture at Singularity University on the future of Biotech – a technology moving 3-5 times faster than Moore’s Law, without the world really understanding the implications of this. The speed of technology’s advancement and availability, and the upsides and downsides of […]

From Paralysis to Stillness
In my life, I experienced two states of non-doing. From the outside, they might appear the same but on the inside, they are very different. Growing up, I was described as ‘lazy’. Every report card ever written about me had the phrase: “has the potential, but needs to try harder”. In the Western context, I […]

Taking Steps
On a day by day basis, I believe I’m not very productive. Even looking at the work I do week by week and month by month, I’ll say I’m not too effective at all. But if I look at what I can achieve year by year, then, I start to celebrate my effectiveness. Over a […]

From Here to There
There’s a great phrase from success coach Marshall Goldsmith that I often use – “What got you here won’t get you there.” Through many transition points in my life, I have realised this. During those realisations, I have often taken a step back to re-evaluate what I am doing. On a number of occasions, this […]

Meme Seeding
I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. Less than an hour of my time has made more of a difference in the world than all my time put together. In 2014, I wrote a blog post on the subject of Ikigai. In that blog post, I merged two concepts to create something new. Essentially, […]

Mental Transition
Why mental health? Of all the challenges there are to solve in the world, why is so much of my passion and time given to resolving mental health issues? For me, it is about understanding its future impact on society. I spent the first part of my entrepreneurial career as a direct marketer. Essentially, a […]