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When I am speaking on stage, I often wear a shirt that says: ‘Believe’.

Most of my work in the world involves getting people to believe in what they can achieve.

One of my strengths is believing in the impossible, and I try to pass that belief on to others.

My times at the neuroscience skunkworks Biocybernaut enabled me to see the brainwave patterns associated with unwavering belief that my own brain was producing. After spending several days with me, those same patterns started to appear in my fellow trainees’ brains. After us talking together, they started to believe in the impossible, too.

For decades, athletes have been using visualisation to win sports events. Believing they can win, and rehearsing that process has been scientifically proven to enhance performance. Recently in our community, we even had a talk on how students can use visualisation to improve their exam results.

Positive belief doesn’t guarantee that you will win a gold medal or get a grade A, but it does  increase the likelihood that your performance will improve significantly.

Probably the most famous person to understand the power of belief was Apple co-founder, Steve Jobs. His reality distortion field was one of his gifts that took the company to unprecedented heights. The current CEO of Apple, Tim Cook, once described Jobs as being so good not because he was always right, but because he was always sure.

There is something about certainty that transforms the world around you. We live in an era when every problem we face is becoming solvable. Where, increasingly, individuals can solve the problems they see in the world, themselves. Why isn’t it happening now? Why isn’t everyone making things happen?

One of main barriers to tackling those issues is a lack of the belief required.

Believe, and you can achieve.

To me, belief is a skill. A learnable skill. Its very existence takes you further, faster.

In our community, there is a virus of belief spreading. More and more people are starting to believe in themselves and believe in what they are capable of achieving. And their belief is spreading to others, too. It’s contagious.

I am a strong believer in using belief as a deliberate mechanism to change the world for the better.

  • What if we could all visualise a better world?
  • What if we believe it is possible?
  • What if imagining and truly believing in a better world is the key to taking us there?
  • Imagine.
  • Believe!

To belief.

P.S. Remember to check out my podcast this week – with the transformational health coach Jon Robson. We talk about mind-body medicine, and how disease can be tackled through the mind. Click on here to listen.

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  1. Napoleon Hill once said that, “If you can conceive it and believe it, you can achieve it.”

    It’s a skill that the world needs to develop today.

  2. abdullahi says

    its what’s keeping me alive right now because l believe l can make it. I believe I can achieve what l have always wanted in life to become a successful entrepreneur.

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