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Having just experienced the Journey to 100 event, I can honestly say that I am even more convinced of the power of small nations to help the world to make significant breakthroughs.

If you watch the talks, you can see that small nations such as Guernsey are truly capable of achieving systemic breakthroughs, like becoming the first nation to hit 100-year life expectancy.

Breakthrough requires the collaboration of community and innovative government. Breakthrough requires cross-silo thinking. Breakthrough requires grassroots lobbying to change the direction in which society is pointing.

When I co-founded the Dandelion Project (Now Foundation) just over 3 years ago, we always knew that our community was capable of breakthrough on behalf of the rest of the world. Back then, it was just a crazy idea; now, it is a fast-emerging model that is workable in practice and warrants scaling up.

The world needs the triangle of the right ideas, in the right places, with the right resources. In the past 3 years, we have demonstrated  that breakthroughs can happen when these 3 things meet. We now need far more of this thinking if we are truly going to tackle the challenges that humanity faces, in time to ensure success.

We need more small nations taking the world’s best ideas forward. We need more philanthropy focussed on fuelling innovation in small places – to accelerate the breakthroughs we need, to build a sustainable and peaceful world.

We are now actively seeking ‘breakthrough philanthropy’ to scale what we are doing, for greater benefits to more people. Philanthropy that wants to spend fractional time, effort and resources to greater effect – demonstrating that systemic change is more than possible.

For example, multiple billions of dollars go into solving disease, right now. What we want to do is to invest a few millions into solving health issues in a place where it is possible to actually do it. A microcosm of possibility, with lessons to be learnt on a global scale. A small-scale experiment with explosively positive potential for humanity across the world.

We are actively putting together 4 pioneer national breakthrough funds – and we need your help to make this happen.

  1. Solving Mental Health (£1.5 million over 3 years)
  2. Achieving Life Expectancy 100 (£10 million over 10 years)
  3. Reimagining Education (£25 million over 5 years)
  4. Next generation governance (£25 million over 5 years)

If you know of people or organisations who would be interested in funding a breakthrough for the world, please put them in touch with us. We have the right ideas. We have the right place. We are gathering the right resources. Join us and join others in that powerful triangle.

If you wish to donate to the mission yourself, please visit our donation page.

To breakthrough!


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  1. Judy Hayman says

    Felt truly inspired from attending Journey to 100 and am now enjoying discussing it with friends and colleagues and looking for ways to take it forward.

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