I can recognise in people’s eyes the moment that changes everything. That moment when the fear inside becomes less pressing than the desire to make a difference. I remember my own moment, just over 3 years ago, when the power of possibility and necessity burst through my own fear of stepping out into the world […]

Real Time Democracy
If you think of platforms like Google, Facebook, Slack, and Wikipedia and the ways in which they have made the world so much more productive, collaborative and knowledgeable, it seems a shame that we have not used any of the lessons inherent within them to improve our societies. Our democracies are archaic. Really archaic. I […]

The Faster Horse
“If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said ‘faster horses’.” This quote from Henry Ford has more relevance now than ever. The gap between what is already possible for humanity and what is actually being delivered is widening every day. We are trapped in a world with governments aspiring only to […]

Build Peaks – Don’t Fill Troughs
There is no ‘one size fits all’ way to do things. I see so many people trying to be someone they are not. There is this belief out there that things should be hard; should be a struggle and you ‘should’ be a certain way. I don’t really buy it. Any struggle provides information that […]

The Exponential Mindset
Is your mindset having an impact on your life? For me, everything starts with having a great mindset. This is an amazing concept that everyone should learn about – because it is life-changing. And the great thing about this is that it is such an easy thing for anyone to change. We have an interesting […]

Moving from the Past to the Future
One of my favourite community projects in the world right now is The Downtown Project in Las Vegas. I had the pleasure of going there last year, meeting the founder Tony Hsieh and hearing him speak of how he is building his community. The results they achieve in one of the least likely places on […]

The Taxi of Tomorrow
I, for one, hate owning cars. They are a pain in the *****. If anyone talks about the freedom of driving, they haven’t really considered what it takes away. Depreciation. Insurance. Fuel. Cleaning. Maintenance and servicing. A tiny scratch, bump or scrape costing a fortune to fix. Paying for parking at home and away. And […]

Change Management The Easy Way – Start with The Small Things that Make a BIG Impact
“If you think small things don’t have a big impact, try going to bed with a mosquito in the room.” Anita Roddick Transform your business life by changing the small things that will create most impact. Prioritise action on the one task or idea that will create the greatest positive change in your business. This […]