For me, Soylent is one of the most interesting startups in the world, right now. It is a Silicon Valley food company, looking to revolutionise the global food industry. Their mission is to provide maximum nutrition with minimum effort. The first generation of Soylent’s products launched commercially in May last year, as a powdered meal […]

Surrender is the one word I think about most. How do I surrender more to life? How do I trust that whatever is supposed to happen will happen? I have a strong mind. A really strong mind. Part of me is always thinking 1000 moves ahead. Part of me analyses every outcome and every interaction. […]

The Impact of Artificial Intelligence
I had a great conversation last week on my local BBC Radio station about Artificial Intelligence (Link here Starts at 9:50 mins). For me, this is one of the most underestimated technologies in the world right now. Very few people understand what is possible today and what is becoming possible in the very near future. […]

The Power of Small Actions
The speech that the wonderful Pam Warhurst recently gave in my community stated her belief in the power of small actions to change the world: “Through an organic process, through an increasing recognition of the power of small actions, we are starting, at last, to believe in ourselves again, and to believe in our capacity, […]

Fixing The Broken Triangle
There is a broken triangle in my community – and in most communities around the world, in fact. The relationship between people, politics and the media is broken. Nobody is happy. Each one is dissatisfied with the other. And the trouble is, the breakdown is getting worse and worse. Our communities are as unhappy and […]

Soft Landings
Just over a week ago, I ticked another item off my bucket list. I went up in a hot air balloon. One thing we were lucky enough to achieve on our adventure was a soft landing. A beautifully soft landing. As I go through some of the craziest weeks of my life, I do start […]

Thinking and Feeling
There are three questions I like to ask myself whenever I have a big decision to make: What do I think about this? What do I feel about this? Why is there a difference? At one time, I did not imagine there could be any possible difference in my answers to the first two questions. […]

The Alleviation of Wealth
I have a problem with the general perception of poverty in the world today. People seem to think it’s all about money. It’s not. Over the past couple of decades, I have seen the damage caused by the poverty industry, from the unintended consequences of aid programmes. I have interacted with many charity leaders who […]

Skin In the Game
Why do I pick up a piece of rubbish at Burning Man, when I would typically let if fly past me if I was at home? This is the question I asked myself, as I compulsively ran off into the desert in the extreme heat of the day, chasing a bit of paper that flew […]

Sponsor me a Private Jet and an Unlimited Credit Card
Do you have a private jet and an unlimited credit card that you can give me? Or – do you know somebody who has? Why do I mischievously ask this question? Three reasons: Firstly, because it is such a crazy request that it might just be mad enough to work. Secondly, I have the time […]