There is no ‘one size fits all’ way to do things. I see so many people trying to be someone they are not. There is this belief out there that things should be hard; should be a struggle and you ‘should’ be a certain way. I don’t really buy it. Any struggle provides information that […]

Introducing My Entourage
I have quite an entourage these days. It surprises me, but people are actually interested in how I resource my life. When I‘m asked anything enough times, I start to realise I should blog about it. The way I structure my life is somewhat unconventional, but it allows me to do what I do in […]

Outsourcing and the Zero Staff Model
“Do what you do best and outsource the rest” Tom Peters Stick enough of us together in one organisation, and we create an ugly system dependent on rules and relationships, bosses and subordinates, power and control. The more people in your organisation, the more likely you are to end up with a bureaucratic hierarchy. Employing […]