Look How Far We Have Come

Look How Far We Have Come

For someone like me, who is deeply focussed on helping to create a wonderful future, it is hard to spend much time thinking about the past or the present. This can be deeply challenging for those closest to me and the people I interact with. Living with a perpetual mindset that everything can be greatly […]

The 4th R

The 4th R

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”   – Viktor E. Frankl If ever there were a quote that highlighted one of the main opportunities for growth in every human being, it is this one. Because […]

The Kodak Moment

The Kodak Moment

In 1996, Kodak was a multinational company with a market cap of $28 billion and 140,000 employees. In 2012, it went bankrupt. In 2010, another photography company called Instagram was founded  and two years later with just 13 employees, was purchased by Facebook for $1 billion. This very much redefines ‘a Kodak moment’ – an […]

The Aggregation of Marginal Gains

The Aggregation of Marginal Gains

I am always talking about achieving huge goals. I am also the first to believe that anyone can achieve big goals. Whilst it’s vital to have and articulate a big vision and mission, actually achieving what you set out to do is another story. This is why we need to recognise ‘The Aggregation of Marginal […]

You Cannot Get a Turkey to Innovate – Let Alone Vote for Christmas

You Cannot Get a Turkey to Innovate – Let Alone Vote for Christmas

I am often asked to help organisations to innovate. The very notion of organising innovation appeals to the mischief-maker in me. ‘Improvement’ and ‘innovation’ are often confused. Improvement, to me, is a construction process, whereas innovation is a rebuilding process. To rebuild something, you have to knock something down. And that is where the turkeys […]

You are the Average of the People You Spend the Most Time With

You are the Average of the People You Spend the Most Time With

“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” Jim Rohn Who do you spend your time with? Did you know that a large degree of your success comes down to the people you associate with? They determine how you think, how you act, and – ultimately – how successful […]

The Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction

“A man is but the product of his thoughts. What he thinks he becomes” Gandhi The Law of Attraction is simply this: we attract what we think about, good or bad. Although New Age thinkers, quantum scientists, psychologists and spiritual leaders have been talking about the Law of Attraction for years, it grew in popularity […]

Success is a Catalyst for Failure

Success is a Catalyst for Failure

“Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.” Confucius So – once you’re successful, what happens next? Even greater success? You’d hope so, but what usually happens for many companies and individuals is – believe it or not – failure! Let’s learn from their errors, and ensure that your own achievement is […]

How to Control Self Control

How to Control Self Control

“If you conquer yourself, then you conquer the world”< Paulo Coelho It’s true that you can’t change other people, but you can change yourself - by taking control. Better still, self-control is a proven and significant key to success. Let’s see how you can develop your own self-control even further, through understanding and using two […]