Just Make a Bloody Decision

Just Make a Bloody Decision

Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today, as the old adage says, and that is altogether true of decision-making. Don’t ever put off making a decision, because it’s often just an excuse to dither and avoid taking responsibility. Lack of decision-making skills is a serious problem for many people that cripples their […]

Worry About the Things that You Can Change

Worry About the Things that You Can Change

Are you a worrier? Do you worry that you get worried by small things, big things, ALL things? The thing is – worrying takes up a lot of time and energy that can be better used elsewhere. Dispense with it wherever possible. Worrying is a common human emotion that usually occurs when an outcome is […]

Meetings, Meetings, Meetings….

Meetings, Meetings, Meetings….

If ever there was a topic to bring out the anger in anyone it is the subject of meetings. Particularly ‘internal’ meetings. I haven’t met anyone who likes them or doesn’t have hundreds of stories about the waste of time most of them are. So why on earth do we have so many of them? […]

In Command and Out of Control

In Command and Out of Control

If you want more time, a traditional ‘command and control’ management system just does not work. You won’t ever get free from the day-to-day minutiae if you feel the need to keep up to date on every move that is made. You won’t be able to sit on the beach if you have to sign […]

Learn to Say NO!

Learn to Say NO!

This, for some people, is one of the hardest ideas to implement. The curse of the ‘nice’ person is the desire to please everyone. Sadly, like spoiling a child or a pet, being nice in every interaction is a short term approach that only leads to long term problems –  which, in the end, are […]

Screw Marketing. Just be Remarkable!

Screw Marketing. Just be Remarkable!

One of the most common questions I get asked is, ‘How can I improve my marketing?’ My answer (stolen from Seth Godin) is: ‘Be more remarkable’.  Before you even think about marketing – look at what you’re taking to the market. Is it remarkable? That is: is it so surprisingly different that people will ‘remark’ […]

E-Mail – Free Yourself from Modern Day Slavery

E-Mail – Free Yourself from Modern Day Slavery

As a communication tool, the greatest strength of e-mail is that it allows you to do things in your own time. The greatest weakness of e-mail is that somewhere along the way, we have forgotten its greatest strength. Did you know it takes on average 65 seconds to regain your focus after dealing with an […]

The Myth of Multi-Tasking

The Myth of Multi-Tasking

Nowadays, society applauds people who ‘multi-task’. We openly admire them and revere their ability to ‘spin plates’ and ‘juggle balls’. These people look very productive: the sort of dynamic people we should aspire to be. However, in terms of productivity, the evidence stacks up against these ‘busy-busy’ people. Which would you rather listen to? A […]

Work on the Important things that are not Urgent

Work on the Important things that are not Urgent

We all know how many hours there are in a day but making the most of them can seem like an eternal struggle. Probably none of us uses every minute of every day wisely, but a lot of us could possibly take back a few hours here and there if we gave ourselves the chance […]

The Fisherman & The Businessman

The Fisherman & The Businessman

One of my favourite books is The 4 Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris (Amazon link UK, US). I try to read it at least once a year to remind me to keep doing things my own way. Inside this book there is a nice little fable about a fisherman and a businessman which goes […]