Soft Landings

Soft Landings

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Just over a week ago, I ticked another item off my bucket list. I went up in a hot air balloon. One thing we were lucky enough to achieve on our adventure was a soft landing. A beautifully soft landing.

As I go through some of the craziest weeks of my life, I do start to question my approach to many things I do. I have always been great at blowing things up. At invoking shock and awe. At provoking and cajoling. At helping people open and dive through doors they didn’t realise existed.

What I haven’t ever been so great at is landing and doing things softly. At catching people when they fall. After most things I do, I am usually something of a train wreck for some time afterwards. I travel too fast through life without giving myself the time and space to go easily. Because of that, I place stress on those closest to me.

The blog post I wrote last week gives an ideal blueprint for blowing things up, as far as government is concerned, but it definitely does not give a plan for bringing things back into calm order afterwards.

I think that most change in the coming decades will be extraordinarily difficult if we don’t consider the consequences. Although the change is utterly necessary, we have to be aware of how that change impacts on everyone. That does not mean hiding away from it through fear, but it does mean that everything needs be done with the purest of intentions.

Many of our masculine power systems will fall, as wave after wave of technological development renders them irrelevant. Many more feminine, organic systems will develop in their place, provided that communities create the space to allow them to develop. Plants do not grow when they are trampled on.

One of the core ideals of The Dandelion Project’s mission to make Guernsey the best place to live on earth by 2020 is that no person can be left behind in our community.

To do this, we have to be open and inclusive, as well as bold. Every one of us in the human race holds a piece of the puzzle. We can all contribute the best of ourselves, whilst accepting that we cannot do it all; we must accept our humanity and have the humility to admit that there are others better placed to make a contribution where we cannot.

This requires a vulnerability and letting go of ego on a global scale never seen before. This shift will feel terrifying at times to some, so we all need to be strong yet compassionate to help each other go softly through this process.

I have no idea how to do what I do alone. I wouldn’t want to, anyway. All I can do is bring the best of myself, acknowledging how imperfect that is. All I can do is trust that others will fill in the voids that I leave open.

Together we are better and stronger.

To soft landings.



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  1. Paul O'Mahony says

    Thank you. A beautiful touching piece. Has me feeling warm towards you & hoping there’s a way I can join with your cause.

  2. Christine Clavey says

    I think…you will enjoy yourself at TedX.
    I don’t have to tell you what to do. You certainly have the passion to do this.
    I look forward to receiving your next email AFTER TedX.
    After that, I might have questions for you!

  3. from ego-centric to eco-centric.

  4. I shall be on your side! And we will enjoy TEDx and change the world. 🙂

  5. Kellie Brooks says

    I’m committed to helping you create soft landings. To integrating the expansions and the natural contractions that follow. To bringing about the balancing of feminine and masculine energies. And… to having fun all the way through!

  6. Marc, you are great at busting doors open, so please don’t hold back there. We are all in his together, and as long as we also plan for the landing, things will be fine. And some bruises just happen to every kid that grows up freely. 🙂

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