The Kodak Moment

The Kodak Moment

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In 1996, Kodak was a multinational company with a market cap of $28 billion and 140,000 employees. In 2012, it went bankrupt. In 2010, another photography company called Instagram was founded  and two years later with just 13 employees, was purchased by Facebook for $1 billion.

This very much redefines ‘a Kodak moment’ – an event that should have been captured by a photograph, for posterity. It is also an example of the type of disruption beginning to happen all around us. We are moving from a linear world to a technology-enabled, exponentially expanding world.

Two weeks ago, 6 of us launched one of the most ambitious startups of all time – The Dandelion Project. The goal of this project is to inspire and empower a community to come together to disrupt its own government bureaucracy.

The small island of Guernsey will be at the epicentre of a new kind of approach to reimagining and rebuilding community. Guernsey will achieve its new vision to become the best place to live on earth by 2020, and will serve as an equivalent to the 4-minute mile, for other communities to follow.

The first aim of the project is to have a positive impact on all 65,000 people who live in our community; but our ultimate aim is to positively impact all 7 billion people on this planet.

We have unleashed a virus of possibility that is already making significant waves within our community, and now in the world beyond. Last week alone, our engagement in the project increased from 100 to 1000 people. This week, we expect it to grow even more quickly.

There are over 30 projects starting to form right now: some small, some huge; each will positively improve the lives of people living within Guernsey. And new projects are being catalysed by other members of the community every day. The overwhelming majority of these projects require little or no government support.

You see, just as Kodak has been disrupted by a huge shift from traditional photography to digital photography, it is possible for communities to leverage new technologies to disrupt their own bureaucracies.

Changing the world will not arise from the evolution of our past. It will arise from small groups of people creating our future. Such people are now able to change the world in unimaginable ways, and we seek to demonstrate the full extent of that possibility in our community.

The whole world has a vested interest in The Dandelion Project and Guernsey’s upcoming model for societal change. We hope the people of Guernsey recognise their unlimited potential in the months and years ahead and start to believe in what we can achieve for the world.

We hope the rest of the world starts to #BelieveInGuernsey too.

To discover more and join in the adventure follow us on Twitter (@dandeliongsy), like us on Facebook  ( or sign up at


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  1. The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step!

  2. Kevin Stewart says

    Brilliant initiative, an extreemly positive initiative, you have my support.

  3. Phil Johnson says

    I am also starting a new true charity called one4allandall4one and doing a free food handout in Agra India next week. Watch this space

  4. Great initiative, Marc. Inspired me to do something for my community that could be world-changing too.

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