The Open Door

The Open Door

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I look on 2015 as an open door. A door I have looked at for some time, holding back. And yet, somehow I know I will find the courage to walk through. I always do.

I look back at every other door I have walked through, valuing the lessons and the experience. I think about all the times I have held back, before I eventually let go. I think about the struggle in accepting what I already knew, deep down: all I had to do was walk through the door within me and follow my truth. All I had to do was trust it and follow it. For me, the fear has always been my true guide: the signal that I need to walk forward.

Holding on to our present realities when they are not true to who we are means a life of continual struggle. We may hope to hide, or avoid this, but in truth, there is no place to hide. Not living your path is like being a bird trying to live without using its wings.

There is sometimes a real inconvenience in letting go and walking onwards. The uncertainty behind a new door is difficult for most of us to face.

We may fix ourselves on our current realities. We can hold strongly onto our constructed illusions. We look to save face, avoid judgement or rejection. We fight hard not to let go. And yet we must.

There is always another door to open. You may not always see it, but it is there. There is always another door to walk through.

To fly with ease, we must explore ourselves rather than avoid ourselves. We must enquire within, and follow who we are, rather than who we are supposed to be.

Will you open a new door for yourself in 2015?

And if you do, will you have the courage to let go of everything that holds you back – and walk into your authentic future?

I shall. My wish for you is that you will, too.

To new openings.


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  1. Watchwords at Biocybernaut are
    Openness, Honesty, Love and Forgiveness, so if there is a door to open to greater
    any of the above, … well then let’s do it!

    And I’m working on a discussion section of a soon-to-be published article that
    Higher consciousness is contagious. I have evidence that each person who
    does the Biocybernaut Alpha Training becomes a powerful change agent
    who beneficially effects family members, friendship networks and
    co-workers. This becomes an organic way to powerfully amplify
    the societal benefits of groups of people doing the Biocybernaut
    Alpha Brain Wave Training Programs.
    I will have more details soon.

    With kind regards,
    Dr. James V. Hardt
    Biocybernaut Institut Deutschland, GmbH
    Biocybernaut Institute of Canada, Ltd.
    Biocybernaut Institute of Arizona, LLC

    • Dear Jim!

      I’m replying to you here, as I don’t have the opportunity at this moment to dig into some research myself.
      May I ask you what this Biocybernaut thing is? Sounds highly interesting!
      Thank you!

  2. Love it as always. You’re such an incredible human being Marc. It really is both an honor, and pleasure, to call you a friend.

  3. Wolfgang Ströhm says

    Dear Marc,

    Your words inspire to choose new Ways and check every “door” , also the Ones who seem to be covered.

    The words encourage everybody to use all Senses looking for new , better ways.


    Wolfgang Ströhm

    Center Manager at Biocybernaut DE

    Member of Expert-Team Suisse/ Global Sky Park
    Real Estates & Properties

  4. This blog spot is so right on where I am in my life. Thank you so much for sharing these thoughts and words that really make you think about who you are as a person. TO reach down deep within your soul and try to find that spirit of life that IS YOU… Love it…… Jill Azar

  5. I so want to be in this place in my mind. I have always found it to be a constant struggle to want to become a stronger and better person and one can only do that by pressing forward.

  6. Hi Marc,

    This puts me in mind of Amanda Palmer’s book ‘The art of asking’. She tells the story of sitting on a nail – being constantly asked why she doesn’t just get off it – the answer – because it doesn’t hurt enough yet!

    Look forward to catching up soon,


  7. Eleanor Owen says

    Great article Marc, really resonates. All the best for a phenomenal 2015! Eleanor.

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