Thinking and Feeling

Thinking and Feeling

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There are three questions I like to ask myself whenever I have a big decision to make:

  1. What do I think about this?
  2. What do I feel about this?
  3. Why is there a difference?

At one time, I did not imagine there could be any possible difference in my answers to the first two questions. And therefore, I missed out on an awful lot of wisdom.

Through the separation of thinking and feeling, I have started to create a much deeper awareness of my path and my past.

My truth comes from understanding why my thoughts and feelings exist. My truth comes from letting go of my mind’s whirring and my present emotions, and trusting what is already there.

That innate intelligence – or intuition – is a far greater advocate for me than my conscious mind will ever be. In my particular case, feeling more and thinking less helps me to tap into it.

Over the years, I have learnt to let go and just trust my intuition. This is a relief, because I previously spent exhausting decades trapped inside my head, thinking and thinking. The sheer cognitive load I have shed through this shift is incredible, and this lightness helps me travel through the world with far greater ease. It is one of the main reasons I can now do what I do.

Now, I am not saying that you should follow the same path as me on this. Your story, and its impact on how you think and feel, could be quite different to mine. What I am saying is that you should consider asking yourself the same three questions whenever you have a decision to make.

  1. What do I think about this?
  2. What do I feel about this?
  3. Why is there a difference?

Because asking these three questions can be the start to a path of great self-discovery. And that self-discovery will open doors for you.

I invite you to travel through life in a different way.

Share your stories on thinking and feeling in the comments section below. I would love to hear about them.


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