I recently came across an inspirational TED talk on How Childhood Trauma Affects Health Across a Lifetime, by Doctor Nadine Burke Harris, a pediatrician in southeastern San Francisco. She began to wonder if there were wider reasons for the trends she saw in children developing illnesses and conditions. She said, ‘A lot of kids were […]

The world will keep on improving without me
Last week, I blogged about how the world was actually getting better every day and the importance of having gratitude for that fact. This week, I want to share something to which I give much consideration whenever I reflect on what I am doing. The world is on an unstoppable path of improvement. There are […]

Look How Far We Have Come
For someone like me, who is deeply focussed on helping to create a wonderful future, it is hard to spend much time thinking about the past or the present. This can be deeply challenging for those closest to me and the people I interact with. Living with a perpetual mindset that everything can be greatly […]

The Rebirth of Trust
There was a time when our world was ‘local’. When you knew your neighbour well. When you could let your kids play in the street without fear. When you trusted people. In many ways, we have lost that trust. Even at a local level. Access to global information and the use of negative media to […]

The Impact Pledge
There often comes a time in many people’s lives when they have achieved success, made a great deal of money and they now feel that they want to ‘give back’ to society and to those less fortunate than themselves. But I wonder about the efficacy of philanthropy in general – whereby trusts and foundations are […]

Why Soylent is the Future of Medicine
For me, Soylent is one of the most interesting startups in the world, right now. It is a Silicon Valley food company, looking to revolutionise the global food industry. Their mission is to provide maximum nutrition with minimum effort. The first generation of Soylent’s products launched commercially in May last year, as a powdered meal […]

Surrender is the one word I think about most. How do I surrender more to life? How do I trust that whatever is supposed to happen will happen? I have a strong mind. A really strong mind. Part of me is always thinking 1000 moves ahead. Part of me analyses every outcome and every interaction. […]

The Impact of Artificial Intelligence
I had a great conversation last week on my local BBC Radio station about Artificial Intelligence (Link here Starts at 9:50 mins). For me, this is one of the most underestimated technologies in the world right now. Very few people understand what is possible today and what is becoming possible in the very near future. […]

The Power of Small Actions
The speech that the wonderful Pam Warhurst recently gave in my community stated her belief in the power of small actions to change the world: “Through an organic process, through an increasing recognition of the power of small actions, we are starting, at last, to believe in ourselves again, and to believe in our capacity, […]

The One-eyed World
We live in a one-eyed world. A planet where the simplistic self-centred view often takes hold. Where party politics polarise and news services divide us. I remember how I used to think about the world when I was growing up, and I shudder. I had a set of experiences that gave me a very narrow […]