Moving from the Past to the Future

Moving from the Past to the Future

One of my favourite community projects in the world right now is The Downtown Project in Las Vegas. I had the pleasure of going there last year, meeting the founder Tony Hsieh and hearing him speak of how he is building his community. The results they achieve in one of the least likely places on […]

The Self-directed Life

The Self-directed Life

My wife and I have just come back from visiting an outlier education facility called North Star Teens, in Hadley, Massachusetts. They are early pioneers in supporting young people to adopt a self-directed approach to learning. It is really amazing to see how these young people are thriving in ways that most normal young people […]

What is your Ikigai?

What is your Ikigai?

According to the Japanese, everyone has an ikigai. An ikigai is essentially ‘a reason to get up in the morning’. A reason to enjoy life. Having spent most of the last few years helping dozens and dozens of entrepreneurs find their ikigai, whilst also searching for my own, I can now visualise where it belongs. […]

The Answer Lies Within

The Answer Lies Within

Last weekend, I deliberately went through the most terrifying and challenging experience of my life. It is probably not appropriate to describe it in a public forum, but all I can say is that I did it not to seek thrills, but to learn more about my past and my inner motivations. A lot of […]

Moving from Economy to Lifeonomy

Moving from Economy to Lifeonomy

I recently gave a talk to 100 people and asked them about to think about whether or not they would have any deathbed regrets. I also shared some recent research on the 5 most common deathbed regrets. They were as follows: 1. I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, […]

Wanted: 20 Families to Reimagine Education

Wanted: 20 Families to Reimagine Education

For some time, my wife and I have been wanting to reimagine what is possible for education. Our greatest challenge has been to find the right community in which to base our education project. The search for the village to raise the child has taken us all over the world, but in the end, has […]

The Best Investment You Will Ever Make

The Best Investment You Will Ever Make

There was a really interesting interview at TED recently in which Larry Page (Founder and Chief Executive of Google) said that he would rather leave his savings to Elon Musk (Founder and Chief Executive of Tesla and SpaceX, Chairman of Solar City) than to charity. It is a fascinating provocation with which I am inclined […]

The Inconvenient Truth

The Inconvenient Truth

On Friday morning I woke up crying. I had spent the previous evening hearing how the health and education system are failing the most vulnerable members of my community. How incredible are the people impacted by these problems! The heartbreaking thing about all the stories shared was just how simple many of these tragedies are […]

The Kodak Moment

The Kodak Moment

In 1996, Kodak was a multinational company with a market cap of $28 billion and 140,000 employees. In 2012, it went bankrupt. In 2010, another photography company called Instagram was founded  and two years later with just 13 employees, was purchased by Facebook for $1 billion. This very much redefines ‘a Kodak moment’ – an […]

Let the Revolution Begin!

Let the Revolution Begin!

Last week we asked 100 people an audacious question: ‘How can you make Guernsey the best place to live on earth?’ This week, we are getting on with the job of making it happen, by 2020. We are starting this movement with no idea of how we are going to get there. We are starting […]