Dream Big, Little One

Dream Big, Little One

These four words are on display in our house, and serve as a constant reminder to our two young boys to ‘dream big’. It also serves as a constant reminder to me –  to not tread on the dreams of my children. In a limitless world, I try to beware of inadvertently saddling my children […]

The Moment

The Moment

I can recognise in people’s eyes the moment that changes everything. That moment when the fear inside becomes less pressing than the desire to make a difference. I remember my own moment, just over 3 years ago, when the power of possibility and necessity burst through my own fear of stepping out into the world […]



When I am speaking on stage, I often wear a shirt that says: ‘Believe’. Most of my work in the world involves getting people to believe in what they can achieve. One of my strengths is believing in the impossible, and I try to pass that belief on to others. My times at the neuroscience […]