Dream Big, Little One

Dream Big, Little One

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These four words are on display in our house, and serve as a constant reminder to our two young boys to ‘dream big’.

It also serves as a constant reminder to me –  to not tread on the dreams of my children.

In a limitless world, I try to beware of inadvertently saddling my children with the limits of my own imagination and beliefs.

Now, more than ever, this is becoming more and more important. Our children are growing up in a world that is unrecognisable from the world in which we grew up.

I think this is one of the primary challenges for the education system, and for society overall.

Even twenty years ago, no-one could conceive of the possibilities open to us today – of new technologies, of new scientific discovery – cures and solutions coming at a rapid rate.

What if our own perceptions of the limits of possibility were to quash our children’s hopes for the future? For the future of the world?

How do we raise children who can achieve more, do more, and be more than we could ever imagine, ourselves? How do adults stop themselves getting in the way?

Further still, speaking as the generations responsible for climate change, lifestyle-disease explosion and accelerating inequality – how do we get out of the way of the generations who will solve the problems that we created?

If we project our restricted ways of thinking onto those who follow us, how can we prevent them from recreating the mistakes of the past?

How do we get people to think for themselves, without limits? To learn from the past to create a new future?

I am not sure I have all the answers, but I really do try to stay aware of the issue – for the sake of our future.

I hope that my kids will follow their dreams and will feel free to dream as big as they like.

The world is at stake.


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  1. Martha Augustine says

    This is so true. I cannot imagine a better or brighter future, as I see racism, intolerance and ‘separatism’ once more making an ugly come-back., on a global scale.

    I can, and do, work on myself, to make myself a better person and so I teach the younger ones in my family, by example.


  2. Srinath Vankadari says

    Inspiring. Marc, u r unique!!

  3. How do we get people to think themselves to be limitless?

    That is the million dollar question!

    However, if you can do it for yourself first, then you are on our way! Simplest eh?

  4. Colin Macleod says

    Interesting post Marc.

    In the end, I believe you must allow your children to teach you who they are.

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