There is a major problem with traditional education systems around the world that needs to be addressed. Let’s face it – there are numerous problems. Young people are becoming increasingly disconnected with what they are learning in schools. Employers are becoming increasingly dissatisfied with the readiness of young employees for the workplace. Teachers are becoming […]

Shades of Grey
I used to have a very black and white view of the world. I used to think things were right or wrong, and answers were either yes or no. Thankfully – and sometimes harshly – life has taught me that things are not always as simple as that. The more I learn, the less I […]

The Trauma Gateway
I recently came across an inspirational TED talk on How Childhood Trauma Affects Health Across a Lifetime, by Doctor Nadine Burke Harris, a pediatrician in southeastern San Francisco. She began to wonder if there were wider reasons for the trends she saw in children developing illnesses and conditions. She said, ‘A lot of kids were […]

The Impact Pledge
There often comes a time in many people’s lives when they have achieved success, made a great deal of money and they now feel that they want to ‘give back’ to society and to those less fortunate than themselves. But I wonder about the efficacy of philanthropy in general – whereby trusts and foundations are […]

Why Soylent is the Future of Medicine
For me, Soylent is one of the most interesting startups in the world, right now. It is a Silicon Valley food company, looking to revolutionise the global food industry. Their mission is to provide maximum nutrition with minimum effort. The first generation of Soylent’s products launched commercially in May last year, as a powdered meal […]

The Impact of Artificial Intelligence
I had a great conversation last week on my local BBC Radio station about Artificial Intelligence (Link here Starts at 9:50 mins). For me, this is one of the most underestimated technologies in the world right now. Very few people understand what is possible today and what is becoming possible in the very near future. […]

Learning from the very edge
Just over two years ago, I saw an image that transformed my thinking on education and altered the course of my life. It was a picture of an 8 year old girl teaching a Biotech class to adults. The reason she could teach it is because she started learning about the subject 6 months beforehand. […]

The 4th R
“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” – Viktor E. Frankl If ever there were a quote that highlighted one of the main opportunities for growth in every human being, it is this one. Because […]

The Exponential Mindset
Is your mindset having an impact on your life? For me, everything starts with having a great mindset. This is an amazing concept that everyone should learn about – because it is life-changing. And the great thing about this is that it is such an easy thing for anyone to change. We have an interesting […]

The Self-directed Life
My wife and I have just come back from visiting an outlier education facility called North Star Teens, in Hadley, Massachusetts. They are early pioneers in supporting young people to adopt a self-directed approach to learning. It is really amazing to see how these young people are thriving in ways that most normal young people […]