Why do I pick up a piece of rubbish at Burning Man, when I would typically let if fly past me if I was at home? This is the question I asked myself, as I compulsively ran off into the desert in the extreme heat of the day, chasing a bit of paper that flew […]

Sponsor me a Private Jet and an Unlimited Credit Card
Do you have a private jet and an unlimited credit card that you can give me? Or – do you know somebody who has? Why do I mischievously ask this question? Three reasons: Firstly, because it is such a crazy request that it might just be mad enough to work. Secondly, I have the time […]

Burning Man – The Extraordinary In The Ordinary
Last month, around 65,000 people met in the Black Rock Desert in Nevada for Burning Man which, to me, is one of the greatest events on earth. I was lucky enough to be there with a group of 15 people from all over the world. I am not going to try to explain what Burning […]

Mincome & Mass Unemployment
I recently described my employment status as ‘Self-unemployed’. I am not retired and I don’t earn a living. I am just pursuing what I love to do, while I have the resources to do it. Because of the freedom I have, I am able to focus my entire time on making a difference. I am […]

Build Peaks – Don’t Fill Troughs
There is no ‘one size fits all’ way to do things. I see so many people trying to be someone they are not. There is this belief out there that things should be hard; should be a struggle and you ‘should’ be a certain way. I don’t really buy it. Any struggle provides information that […]

The 4th R
“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” – Viktor E. Frankl If ever there were a quote that highlighted one of the main opportunities for growth in every human being, it is this one. Because […]

The Power of Safe Spaces
One of the things I have come to recognise in recent times is the power of safe spaces. Without them, we cannot explore our full potential. To me, a safe space is somewhere you can explore whatever you want to explore, freely and without consequence. It can be a crash mat when you are learning […]

Blank Sheet Thinking
There is one question that should be asked much more often. That question is: What if we reimagined this from a blank page? You see, there is a huge shift happening in what is possible. Just in my own lifetime, with the emergence of the internet and the mobile phone, I see how those technologies […]

Will you take the red pill?
We are living an illusion. We frequently ignore reality. We try to forget unpleasant things. The world we live in is dying slowly every day. Whether it be our resources, our climate, our happiness or our health, step by step, we are collectively and gradually worsening things. And if we don’t resolve this, we will […]

The Apollo Principle
On May 25, 1961, in his address to Congress, President John F. Kennedy proposed the national goal of “landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to the Earth” by the end of the 1960s. This goal was accomplished on the Apollo 11 mission, when astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on […]