Every time I walk on the beach with my family, I keep an eye out for sea glass. These are broken shards of old green, blue and white glass bottles that have washed ashore, weathered over time by the sea and sand into smooth, rounded translucent shapes. On each of my walks, I find a […]

The Original Assumption
Last week I was the most exhausted I have been for quite a time. I was so tired that I could not finish my blog post on The Kindness Virus. I have to confess that the second half (or better half) of the post was actually written by my wonderful wife, Valerie. This was the […]

Yes, You Have Time
“I wish I had the time!” or “I don’t have time!” Whenever people talk about making opportunities happen – for themselves or their community – those are often the responses I hear. If you want the real truth: there is always time. Several years ago, I conducted a survey amongst entrepreneurs, and asked them what […]

Introducing My Entourage
I have quite an entourage these days. It surprises me, but people are actually interested in how I resource my life. When I‘m asked anything enough times, I start to realise I should blog about it. The way I structure my life is somewhat unconventional, but it allows me to do what I do in […]

Why having coffee is the foundation for everything I do
I used to dislike coffee. I thought it tasted awful, probably because the average cup of coffee in the UK was made from instant granules. The first entrepreneur I ever mentored was a boutique coffee roaster named Chris – and it was his enthusiasm and expertise that got me into coffee, and also taught me […]

Know where your time goes – and make it go further
“A man who dares to waste one hour of life has not discovered the value of life.” Charles Darwin This point is so simple and easy that anybody can do it. Do it properly, and it will deliver great results for you. Everybody has the same 24 hours each day – the big difference is […]

Live the 80/20 Rule
“There is nothing quite so useless, as doing with great efficiency, something that should not be done at all.” Peter Drucker Also known as the 80:20 rule, irrespective of the nature of your business, the Pareto Principle holds that 80% of the consequences of any action come from 20% of the causes.This principle can actually […]

Your Time is not Free – so Free up your Time
“Time is free, but it’s priceless. You can’t own it, but you can use it. You can’t keep it, but you can spend it. Once you’ve lost it you can never get it back.” Harvey MacKay Your time is an investment in your future, so take care how you spend it. Invest it in activities […]

Work In The Zone
“The higher your energy level, the more efficient your body. The more efficient your body, the better you feel and the more you will use your talent to produce outstanding results.” Tony Robbins It’s not just the number of hours we sit at a desk that determines the value we generate. It’s the energy we […]

9 Ways to Beat Parkinson’s Law
“Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.” Parkinson’s Law Even if you are not familiar with its name, how often have you fallen prey to Parkinson’s Law? And what can you do to escape it? Or to work with it? Firstly, you have to recognise the symptoms. When you have […]