Oh, the Places You’ll Go at Burning Man 2014

Oh, the Places You’ll Go at Burning Man 2014

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I have been on a lot of adventures and my favourite of them all has to be last year’s trip to the Black Rock Desert in Nevada, to the incredible Burning Man.

I am not going to repeat myself, because it was so difficult to explain the first time I wrote about it. For my personal reflections on my last trip and why I believe Burning Man is changing the world, please read the post I wrote about it.

Last year was the first Burning Man I had ever been to. I flew solo. and it was absolutely incredible. Yet even though I have already been, it is still No 1 thing on my Bucket List. There is something about going to Burning Man, and seeing the breathtaking generosity and openness of everyone that attends, that makes me want to give even more of myself next time.

There is something deep within me that wants to share the adventure this year.

There is something deep within me that wants to use the incredible opportunity to be there with purpose.

There is a desire deep within me that is really excited about creating a group experience there.

So this year:

I am going to take a group of 20 people to the event with the bold intention of deep self-exploration.

I am going to ensure that 20 people get a substantial return on the time, money and the effort it takes to go there.

I am going to provide an opportunity for 20 people to go on the trip of their life.

Burning Man is not easy to get to. It is in a tough environment. At times it  can be very uncomfortable in the heat of the desert and be both emotionally and mentally draining; yet it is also brilliant, unexpected and awe-inspiring. Burning Man offers an incredible platform to explore yourself. And so, there is much more potential for a great Return on Adventure.

Coping with fear and uncertainty is one of the greatest skills you can learn in life. Going on one of my adventures is all about getting comfortable with that. If you want to know more about the adventures I co-create, read my post and incredible comments to the secret adventure I ran in January this year.

For Burning Man, all you will need to do is buy a ticket and get yourself there – and there is help available for organising that. All the rest will be organised for you. There will be no information released about who you are going with. No information about where you will be sleeping. No information about what you will be doing. No information about what you will be eating or drinking. You have to trust in the adventure. Trust that not knowing will give you so much more.

What I will say is: you will survive! You will have everything that you need. You will learn a lot about yourself that you can take back into your default world. You will have a lot of fun. You will find your edges – and go beyond them. You will meet people and connect with them in a way you have never connected before. You will be part of an experience that will change you forever. And that, at the end of the day, is all you need to know.

So the question is:

Do you want to be one of the 20?

Do you want to leap into the unknown?

Are you ready to make the pilgrimage to one of the most incredible events on earth?

Are you going to go beyond the fear, ignoring the ‘sensible’ imp on your shoulder and try something bold?

Are you up for co-creating one of the greatest experiences of your life?

Are you willing to never be the same again?

The adventure is being run on a non-profit basis; but there are significant logistical challenges to getting in everything 20 people need to survive and thrive in the desert for 7 days. And in that regard it will not be cheap. In the spirit of Burning Man there will be different ways to contribute to the success of the camp. Financing the camp is but one part of it so do not let money be a barrier to registering your interest if deep down you feel like you have to go. There are many other ways to contribute, so be sure to mention in your e-mail how you can help co-create a remarkable life changing experience.

There are only 20 places so there will not be room for everyone that wants to go. Applying does not automatically guarantee that you will get into the group. Ensuring the right mix of people is key to maximising the experience for everyone who attends.

I look for people who are at the right time in their lives to get the most out of the experience. I look for people who have more to give than to receive. I look for people who will help to make the whole group more than just the sum of its parts. I look for people that will be all in.

My best advice is that if there is something raw inside you that feels like you want to do it then just get in touch. Whatever fear or barrier your mind puts in front of you to tell you that you shouldn’t go I promise will pass. This is the opportunity you just should not miss.

So what are you waiting for? The dates for Burning Man 2014 are 25th of August to September 1st. If you are in, then register your ‘Hell Yeah!’ by sending a message to burningman@marcwinn.com

If you need some idea of the kind of things that might lie in store, watch this video from 2011, only remember – your experience will be unique, and whatever we all make of it:

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  1. Very, very tempting !

  2. There’s nothing like Burning Man on Earth. It’s the closest you’ll ever come to experiencing what it’s like to drop onto an alien planet.

    A fantastic initiative Marc!

  3. Wow! After watching that video I’m actually now thinking it’s probably worth going just to see all those good looking people! What an aesthetic bunch. Looks wild. 🙂

  4. I have never been and have always wanted to go. I have no doubt this would be a life changing experience, how and where can I apply?

  5. Jon Pettitt says

    I’m in… and i’m out again. Three weeks after my stag weekend in Berlin and three weeks before my wedding in Italy. I am gutted.

  6. Please, please tell me that you are going next year too! I can’t this year :((

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