There is a revolution going on – and it’s hiding in plain sight. Community is gradually taking over the role of government. This technologically-accelerated dynamic is building momentum and there is a tipping point at which something very different may emerge. Around the world, governments are increasingly grinding to a halt, unable to adapt to […]

Crab Mentality
The concept of ‘crab mentality’ comes from the behaviour of crabs in a bucket or pot. Any single crab could escape easily, but the others prevent it, and the whole group perishes. Used as a metaphor for human behaviour, crab mentality occurs when the group – whether through envy, spite or competitiveness – undermines and […]

The Grace Cultivation Process 2.0
Over the years, I have developed my own self-reflective process based on a global exploration of mental health innovation. This is a personal process that I want to share for those who might be interested in it. I want to be clear that I am not a qualified practitioner in this field and that anything […]

Freedom in Captivity
There are two books that have had a lasting impact on me, redefining my relationship to tough circumstances. They are Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl and The Long Walk to Freedom by Nelson Mandela. Frankl miraculously survived years in a German concentration camp, when many simply gave up, hopelessly, and died. His book […]

What have you done?
This is the question I dread in every media interview. This question has brought me to tears of frustration many times, because I don’t have the words to fully describe the answer. The world wants a simple headline or an easily definable outcome to appease its primal energy-saving desire to simplify complexity. The world wants […]

Emergence (Part 2)
She danced. When confronted by a video of her dancing in her youth, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was not embarrassed and did not play down this experience. Instead, she joyously danced into her Congress office and posted a video of it. This video exploded online, bringing her human, no-nonsense style to a whole legion of new voters […]

Transformational Spaces
How can you create the momentum for transformation – without the resistance that comes with it? Whether in family relationships or large organisations, driving transformation head-on is often challenging and meets with significant resistance. One thing I have learnt, to overcome this, is to look for the spaces that can transform the culture of the […]

Unknown Knowns
There’s a quote that I always remember, for some reason. It was from Donald Rumsfeld, then United States Secretary of Defense, prior to the Iraq War in 2002. “Reports that say that something hasn’t happened are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. […]

Lift and Shift
One of the easiest ways to create impact in our community is what we call the ‘lift and shift’. We take a non-local solution for a local challenge, and we put it on stage at one of our events. It is a breathtakingly simple move that inspires the emergence of community leadership that could apply […]

The Chaotic Improvement of the Average
The world is getting better – a lot faster than we think. And yet, generally, we don’t feel it. A recent survey suggested that more than 9 out of 10 people believe the world is getting worse. This just isn’t the case. Extreme poverty is collapsing faster than anyone predicted. Life expectancy improvements are accelerating, […]