Bridging Narratives

Bridging Narratives

There is more division in the world than ever before. The information age is partly to blame – its increasing technology-driven polarisation is driving a wedge between communities. We live in an era of radical ‘us and them’. Key institutions dominate control of the information we consume – and the trouble is, there is no […]

Philanthropic Testbeds

Philanthropic Testbeds

In a world of increasing complexity, it is impossible to solve challenges in any centralised way. There needs to be a new approach to global philanthropy. By ‘global philanthropy,’ I mean large donors and institutions that seek to solve the major issues of our time. Complex systemic issues – like poverty, populism, mental ill-health and […]

The Gatekeeper Mindset

The Gatekeeper Mindset

For all the right reasons, large systems develop lots of checks and balances to prevent things going wrong. I look at governments and see huge amounts of time and energy being exerted, gaining permission for things before any change or action. It’s even worse in our world of 24-hour news and social media, where everything […]

Leave No One Behind

Leave No One Behind

One of the core principles of The Dandelion Foundation is the commitment to Leave No One Behind. This is a frame that allows a different type of innovation and view of the world. It’s easy to find answers that, on the surface, seem to work, and to rush ahead with implementation – but most thinking […]

Ease as the Antidote to Complexity

Ease as the Antidote to Complexity

The world is becoming ever more complex to deal with. Each generation is connected to a much wider landscape than the generation before. The information explosion means that we have real-time access to everything that is going on everywhere in the world. The trouble is that our brains are just not wired for that kind […]

Leaping Towards Higher Purpose

Leaping Towards Higher Purpose

I’m fascinated by the distinction between people who follow their purpose and those who don’t. Over the years, I have managed to develop a specialism: finding ways to increase the number of people who make a choice to align with their higher purpose. My work is all about making this happen – particularly in Guernsey, […]

The 2 Dimensions of Consciousness

The 2 Dimensions of Consciousness

I am usually quite careful how I share one aspect of my life. Speaking about it causes all sorts of different reactions, depending on the listener’s worldview. I have been on quite a journey in this area, and I appreciate that it can cause some discomfort for others. Nevertheless, it’s something I have been wanting […]

Building From Strengths

Building From Strengths

Self-realisation, for me, meant accepting my strengths – and using them. This was a life-changing revelation to me. For a long time, people didn’t accept my natural tendencies and abilities as strengths – least of all, myself. From my school-days onwards, I was often criticised for finding the shortest route or quickest way to do […]

Problem-solving Networks

Problem-solving Networks

Most new companies fail within the first few years. In this day and age, the chances of building an organisation that succeeds in its mission are quite low. I’ve always found this curious, and have been quite unaccepting of that fact, in my mentoring of entrepreneurs, over the years. With those odds against you, why […]

Minimum Viable Maslow

Minimum Viable Maslow

This week sees the return of Burning Man – the outlier festival that builds a fully-working temporary city, as a model for human thriving. It’s all created out in the desert – where it’s quite a logistical challenge to thrive, anyway; you have to take everything you need with you, and be creative. The entire […]