The Abyss

The Abyss

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Last year, I ran a life-changing adventure. I took a group of people on a journey into the unknown. They were asked to turn up at an airport with their passports, ready to spend a number of days on an adventure they knew nothing about.

This adventure was designed to challenge everyone who went, but also, those who couldn’t go. Everyone was transformed by the experience. Those who went into the abyss of uncertainty came out of the other side with a new approach to life – which gave them a clear direction, fearlessness, a new community of friends, opened doors to new realities and a new-found self belief. Those who didn’t go, the other readers of the blog, were left wondering about what they were missing – on the adventure, and in their own lives. The deliberate lack of information about the adventure fired many people’s curiosity, but most of them couldn’t make the leap of faith into the unknown. That very fact made many readers sit up, reflect, and question how they are living their lives.

There is something very powerful about the unknown. To many, it is too scary to contemplate; but to those who embrace it, it is a place of invaluable learning, exhilaration and transformation. How we respond to the unknown can dominate our lives. A desire for control and for the safety of the known can influence our lives in a huge number of ways. The avoidance of fear is just one of the ways we try to keep to our comfort zone and maintain the status quo – and yet, the world continues to change around us. We can still feel lost and disorientated, just from standing still.

You see, there is something very profound to be learnt from simply letting go of the known and walking into the abyss.

That is why I am running another event, in April next year. A once-in-a-lifetime bucket-list experience, for a small band of adventurers who will not know anything about it until they arrive. Will you be one of them?

The greatest skill for the future is the ability to move forward in a world of ambiguity and uncertainty. As the world accelerates ever-faster into a rapidly changing future, those who are paralysed by fear and who cling to the safety of the known are more likely to face increasing challenges in life.

To meet that rapidly-changing future, we all need to develop fearlessness, skills, ideas, community and, above all, a love for the adventure of life. This secret one-of-a-kind adventure has been curated in order to deliver all that.

So what are you more afraid of?

  • Fear and the unknown?  


  • Boredom and regret?

I challenge you to join me – to simply let go, and step into the abyss with me, to discover something wonderful about yourself on the other side.

For more information on how you can take part in this once-in-a-lifetime adventure, please visit The Big Adventure website.

You’ll never know what the unknown holds, unless you take a step into it.

So, are you coming?

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  1. Fear is the biggest killer of the human race.

    But also, having fears means we are alive!

    Dealing with the fears is part of life’s experiences and good luck to all the challengers!

  2. What a fantastic idea, gathering, and adventure! When the funds arise to join you, i’m in! Might be this time, or never, but most likely somewhere in between.

    Question. Can someone go just for the fun of it? Why advertise pushing the limits when “s%#t” can come up just sitting at home? Can someone attend simply because it sounds fun, then see what comes up? Is it necessary to always reach for the stars, when all one has to do is look up and they are right there? What happens when it’s all solved, and there’s nothing left to reach for? Then what? Is anyone working on that???!! What does happily ever after look like? The Big Adventure?

    Raising a toast to all of us – joining you, or not – this coming April…..

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