The Bucket List, and Your Return on Adventure

The Bucket List, and Your Return on Adventure

I am sorry to break it to you – but at some point, you are going to kick the bucket. (You Are Going To Die). Whether tomorrow or in 100 years’ time, your life is going to end. You will cease to be. That is a hard fact for many people (including myself) to accept, […]

Are We All Born Limitless?

Are We All Born Limitless?

I am off to San Francisco today to pitch a radical new education project for children that aims to answer the question: ‘Are we all born limitless?’ It is a really bold and challenging new approach to education that raises a lot of questions. I am compelled to demonstrate that so much more can be […]

Living La Dolce Vita

Living La Dolce Vita

I am on holiday in Italy this week. I was thinking about taking the week off and not writing a post, but I realised that I learn just as much about life when I have time off as I do in my normal routine. Sometimes more. For me, it is very important to share with […]

They Used to Burn People at the Stake for Saying The World Wasn’t Flat

They Used to Burn People at the Stake for Saying The World Wasn’t Flat

I am a contrarian thinker. As a way of getting attention when I was growing up, I used to deliberately take the opposing view just to be argumentative. If it wasn’t for my mischievous grin, I would have got into far more trouble that I actually did. You can imagine just how many people found […]

Do something that makes you feel uncomfortable every day

Do something that makes you feel uncomfortable every day

I have a dream! I want to speak at TED. Many of the people who have inspired me have done this, and in my own way, I want to inspire a lot of people. The only problem is: I hate public speaking. I really feel the fear and it seems so unnatural! I am great […]

How Doing Nothing Helped Me To Achieve Everything

How Doing Nothing Helped Me To Achieve Everything

I have a disability: I can’t actually ‘do’ anything! Anything involving repetitive tasks literally drains all my energy very quickly and sends me into a dark place. I do nothing. My story begins with my Dad leaving school at 14 and through his own hard work, guile and tenacity, making a lot of money. The […]

F*ck it! I’m Off to Change the World…

F*ck it! I’m Off to Change the World…

I suffer from vertigo. Really bad vertigo. Whenever I go high up, all I want to do is lie down with my eyes shut and hold onto the floor. I hate that feeling and I really try hard not to let it hold me back. I have jumped out of an aeroplane and climbed tall […]

If You Want Peace of Mind, Defeat Your Past by Climbing Your Own Mount Everest

If You Want Peace of Mind, Defeat Your Past by Climbing Your Own Mount Everest

Don’t let the past steal your present. Terry Guillemets The key to ourselves and our future lies in our past. I’m not suggesting that you book in for years of psychotherapy and counselling, or even a past life regression – but I ask you to recognise that our past shapes us – and can make […]

If I lost everything, would you help me?

If I lost everything, would you help me?

“The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself!” Franklin D Roosevelt I’d like to ask you a simple question, right now: “If I lost everything, would you help me?” If you’re keen to respond, you can go straight to the comments section at the bottom of the page, or I can explain a […]

Go Out And Make A Dent In The Universe

Go Out And Make A Dent In The Universe

“I want to put a ding in the universe” Steve Jobs Have you ever asked yourself the question: What are you working for, after all? What is it all for? ● To finance that mochaccino a day that helps you work, rest and play? ● The detached house with a swimming pool? ● That fabulous […]