Are you happy? ‘Yes,’ was the answer I consistently gave, throughout most of my life. On the surface, I genuinely believed this was the case, because I didn’t have a reference point to truly understand what happiness is. Sure, I had extreme highs – but I also had a lot of lows. My own particular […]

Parking Tickets and Broken Computers
If two situations can provoke rage and frustration more than most, they are: receiving a parking ticket, and when a piece of technology breaks down. For some reason, these actions evoke puzzling levels of emotional response in us, considering that they involve inanimate objects. I wonder how these items manage to stir up such emotion. […]

Shifting Realities
I was in a coffee conversation with a friend last week that helped me to realise something. We all live and create our own individual reality. When our differing views on reality emerge in public, they can cause friction between ourselves and other people. From politics and religion, to nations and tribes – the world […]

Having just experienced the Journey to 100 event, I can honestly say that I am even more convinced of the power of small nations to help the world to make significant breakthroughs. If you watch the talks, you can see that small nations such as Guernsey are truly capable of achieving systemic breakthroughs, like becoming […]

Redefining The Edge
On June 30th, we launch our boldest mission yet. We aim to inspire and engage a nation to become the first country in the world to surpass 100-years life expectancy for our residents – within 10 years. We continually seed bold missions in our community. Although we believe that whatever we set out to achieve […]

I wish I had the words
“I wish I had the words,” I said to myself. After a challenging media interview recently, I shed some tears of frustration because I had struggled to express what I wanted to convey. I have often felt this way – even more so, when I was younger. I feel as if I am trying to […]

Celebrate Your Bright Spots
‘Celebrate Your Bright Spots.’ This phrase came from fellow community changemaker, Greg Tehven, and it is one that has stayed with me. Greg and others’ work is nothing short of incredible in Fargo, North Dakota – a place that is managing to reinvent itself without (what Greg calls) ‘distractions’: no stunning scenery, mountains or beaches […]

The Journey to 100
What is it, to live a long and healthy life? Mark Twain famously said “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” I remember the day I found my ‘why’. It was November 4th, 2010. I had an epiphany – creating such […]

Community-led Innovation
I haven’t written a blog post for what seems like an age. It was a period in my life when I felt there was nothing much to say – and a great deal for me to do. There is much for us all to do, as communities. We recently celebrated the 3rd birthday of The […]

Could you have predicted the Internet before it happened? Could you have predicted the rise of Donald Trump? Many things that change the world are hard to predict. They seem to emerge from nowhere. Much that is written about the future contains no predictions of ‘emergence’. No mention that unexpected shift can and will happen. […]