There is Always Another Idea Around The Corner

There is Always Another Idea Around The Corner

Ideas are everything and everywhere. Sometimes they are priceless, but they can also be worthless. The trick is to recognise which is which, for you. Many of us treat ideas as possessions worth holding onto – closely guarded secrets we must protect from others. Just look at the craziness of intellectual property issues! It amazes […]

I Would Actually Like to Work Like a Dog

I Would Actually Like to Work Like a Dog

Have you ever seen a dog work? Well, my dog Henry certainly doesn’t. He is either playing enthusiastically or asleep. Henry is one of my mentors in life, so I am more than happy to take a leaf out of his book. I don’t think I have ever seen him have a bad day. In […]

The Easiest Way to Get is to Give

The Easiest Way to Get is to Give

I will be honest with you. This is probably one of the toughest posts I have ever had to write. I have been thinking about it for months but hadn’t found a way to put it into words. It crosses the line on a few societal constructs, which might be uncomfortable for some people. Despite […]

You Cannot Get a Turkey to Innovate – Let Alone Vote for Christmas

You Cannot Get a Turkey to Innovate – Let Alone Vote for Christmas

I am often asked to help organisations to innovate. The very notion of organising innovation appeals to the mischief-maker in me. ‘Improvement’ and ‘innovation’ are often confused. Improvement, to me, is a construction process, whereas innovation is a rebuilding process. To rebuild something, you have to knock something down. And that is where the turkeys […]

This Is The Really Unusual Way I Build My Pension

This Is The Really Unusual Way I Build My Pension

A lot of people talk to me about their fear of taking risks, and think that I take a risky approach to living my life . They say, “I wish I could live the way you do, but I have a mortgage and school fees to think about. I have to save for a rainy […]

The Greatest Weapon in Improving Personal Performance Is…

The Greatest Weapon in Improving Personal Performance Is…

The Flow State. Have you ever had that feeling of being so completely absorbed in a task that time is meaningless? When you are so immersed and ‘into’ what you’re doing, so inspired and energised, that you can’t separate your awareness from whatever is absorbing you – you’re practically inside the world of the thing […]

Despite everything I may have said in the past, I am now learning to meditate

Despite everything I may have said in the past, I am now learning to meditate

Not so long ago, there was a time when I would have rolled my eyes at anyone who said that they meditated. It just wasn’t for me, and I would probably have ridiculed anyone who suggested I should try it. But I have learned a very useful lesson – to not judge something without experiencing […]

Rise Up and Start Your Own Movement

Rise Up and Start Your Own Movement

“Whatever you want to do in the world, there is always a way.” Wooah! I have just come back home from an incredible few days in at the Super Hero You Conference hosted by the incredible Downtown Project in Las Vegas. I won’t lie to you. I am feeling pretty inspired and superhuman right now! […]

The Bucket List, and Your Return on Adventure

The Bucket List, and Your Return on Adventure

I am sorry to break it to you – but at some point, you are going to kick the bucket. (You Are Going To Die). Whether tomorrow or in 100 years’ time, your life is going to end. You will cease to be. That is a hard fact for many people (including myself) to accept, […]

Are We All Born Limitless?

Are We All Born Limitless?

I am off to San Francisco today to pitch a radical new education project for children that aims to answer the question: ‘Are we all born limitless?’ It is a really bold and challenging new approach to education that raises a lot of questions. I am compelled to demonstrate that so much more can be […]