I haven’t written a blog post for a while, so this will be a long one! So far, this year has been an incredible ending to what I can only describe as the first chapter of my true life. By ‘true life’, I mean my life now, standing up for what I believe in, after […]
The Gifting Economy
One of the most spectacular things I have seen in my lifetime is a gifting economy in wide-scale operation, at the outlier festival Burning Man. Over 60,000 people manage to thrive in a makeshift city in the desert for a week, largely without money. The model works on mutual kindness rather than financial exchange. Although […]
Real Time Democracy
If you think of platforms like Google, Facebook, Slack, and Wikipedia and the ways in which they have made the world so much more productive, collaborative and knowledgeable, it seems a shame that we have not used any of the lessons inherent within them to improve our societies. Our democracies are archaic. Really archaic. I […]
Telepathy and World Peace
I often tell people that it only takes 50 coffees to solve any problem. Meeting people over coffee, discussing ideas and creating solutions is what I love doing. I usually joke that I have not got around to creating world peace through coffee yet, but it is something I plan to do. Especially now that […]
Shades of Grey
I used to have a very black and white view of the world. I used to think things were right or wrong, and answers were either yes or no. Thankfully – and sometimes harshly – life has taught me that things are not always as simple as that. The more I learn, the less I […]
The Minister of the Future
A little while ago, I saw an article about Sweden’s Minister of the Future. It triggered something in me, because it is precisely the approach I wish more governments would adopt. Now, more than ever, it is becoming really important that governments adopt long-term thinking. Looking at governments and major organisations around the world, the […]
The world will keep on improving without me
Last week, I blogged about how the world was actually getting better every day and the importance of having gratitude for that fact. This week, I want to share something to which I give much consideration whenever I reflect on what I am doing. The world is on an unstoppable path of improvement. There are […]
Look How Far We Have Come
For someone like me, who is deeply focussed on helping to create a wonderful future, it is hard to spend much time thinking about the past or the present. This can be deeply challenging for those closest to me and the people I interact with. Living with a perpetual mindset that everything can be greatly […]
The Rebirth of Trust
There was a time when our world was ‘local’. When you knew your neighbour well. When you could let your kids play in the street without fear. When you trusted people. In many ways, we have lost that trust. Even at a local level. Access to global information and the use of negative media to […]
The Impact Pledge
There often comes a time in many people’s lives when they have achieved success, made a great deal of money and they now feel that they want to ‘give back’ to society and to those less fortunate than themselves. But I wonder about the efficacy of philanthropy in general – whereby trusts and foundations are […]