The Power of Safe Spaces

The Power of Safe Spaces

One of the things I have come to recognise in recent times is the power of safe spaces. Without them, we cannot explore our full potential. To me, a safe space is somewhere you can explore whatever you want to explore, freely and without consequence. It can be a crash mat when you are learning […]

The Rising Tide

The Rising Tide

I am not a big fan of self interest, in any form. In this era, many of our systems promote it, whether in patents or politics, and, sadly, self interest drives the behaviour of much of the world around us. Consequently, it is causing patterns of short-termism in behaviour that lessen our ability to thrive […]

Blank Sheet Thinking

Blank Sheet Thinking

There is one question that should be asked much more often. That question is: What if we reimagined this from a blank page? You see, there is a huge shift happening in what is possible. Just in my own  lifetime, with the emergence of the internet and the mobile phone, I see how those technologies […]

The Struggle Part 2 – We Need Help

The Struggle Part 2 – We Need Help

Last week, I talked about ‘The Struggle’ and the fact that it happens to many of us at times. I mentioned that I was in the very centre of a personal struggle right now, how my mind is playing tricks on me, and the techniques that I use to keep going and to release myself […]

The Struggle

The Struggle

It would have been easy for me to not share this post at all. It would have been easy to project an aura of invulnerability to the world, as if the journey is always easy. The truth is – it isn’t always easy. One of life’s great problems is the gap between what people project […]

The Exponential Mindset

The Exponential Mindset

Is your mindset having an impact on your life? For me, everything starts with having a great mindset. This is an amazing concept that everyone should learn about – because it is life-changing. And the great thing about this is that it is such an easy thing for anyone to change. We have an interesting […]

Will you take the red pill?

Will you take the red pill?

We are living an illusion. We frequently ignore reality. We try to forget unpleasant things. The world we live in is dying slowly every day. Whether it be our resources, our climate, our happiness or our health, step by step, we are collectively and gradually worsening things. And if we don’t resolve this, we will […]

The Apollo Principle

The Apollo Principle

On May 25, 1961, in his address to Congress, President John F. Kennedy proposed the national goal of “landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to the Earth” by the end of the 1960s. This goal was accomplished on the Apollo 11 mission, when astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on […]

Why are you waiting for permission?

Why are you waiting for permission?

Two and a half months ago we launched The Dandelion Project in Guernsey to make Guernsey the best place to live on earth by 2020. What has surprised me most since then is realising that one small thing can hold the world back more than anything else. It is the need for permission. We have […]

Moving from the Past to the Future

Moving from the Past to the Future

One of my favourite community projects in the world right now is The Downtown Project in Las Vegas. I had the pleasure of going there last year, meeting the founder Tony Hsieh and hearing him speak of how he is building his community. The results they achieve in one of the least likely places on […]