There is a major problem with traditional education systems around the world that needs to be addressed. Let’s face it – there are numerous problems. Young people are becoming increasingly disconnected with what they are learning in schools. Employers are becoming increasingly dissatisfied with the readiness of young employees for the workplace. Teachers are becoming […]

There is a particular frequency of sound that creates greater results than you might expect from making an original noise. According to Wikipedia: ‘In physics, resonance describes when a vibrating system or external force drives another system to oscillate with greater amplitude at a specific preferential frequency.’ If the conditions are just right, a musical […]

Pyramids to Platforms
One of the real shifts occurring in how the world organises itself is the move from ‘pyramids to platforms’. Old, fixed, hierarchical ways of doing things are shifting to a far more chaotic, organic means of self-organisation. Technology is empowering us to create order out of the chaos. Think about how Encyclopedia Britannica has given […]

Dream Big, Little One
These four words are on display in our house, and serve as a constant reminder to our two young boys to ‘dream big’. It also serves as a constant reminder to me – to not tread on the dreams of my children. In a limitless world, I try to beware of inadvertently saddling my children […]

The Moment
I can recognise in people’s eyes the moment that changes everything. That moment when the fear inside becomes less pressing than the desire to make a difference. I remember my own moment, just over 3 years ago, when the power of possibility and necessity burst through my own fear of stepping out into the world […]

When I am speaking on stage, I often wear a shirt that says: ‘Believe’. Most of my work in the world involves getting people to believe in what they can achieve. One of my strengths is believing in the impossible, and I try to pass that belief on to others. My times at the neuroscience […]

The Best Place to Live on Earth
Just over 3 years ago, my co-founder, Jock, and I first conceived the project to make Guernsey the best place to live on earth by 2020. We were having coffee outside, by the sea, on a beautiful day, observing people walking to and from their workplaces, ignoring the wonder of what was around them. Both […]

The Prophet
You’re never a prophet in your own land. That’s what I tell people who are trying to make changes in my own community. I often see the frustration of people trying to make ideas happen – expecting people to just listen to reason and logic. What they don’t realise is that within your own community, […]

Letting It Flow
Most mornings, I walk my faithful hound along beside a stream, towards a field of dandelions. Daily, it is a therapeutic and life-resetting journey for me. The stream serves as a constant reminder to go with the flow, rather than swimming against the current. Following this principle is key to our project to make Guernsey […]

‘And’ is such a small word – and yet so powerful. It has so much more positive energy and connection than its close neighbour ‘but’. The word ‘but’ is obstructive and divisive. It negates all that goes before it. ‘I can see your point, but…’ ‘And’ is a connector. Looking at all the division in […]