Redefining The Edge

Redefining The Edge

On June 30th, we launch our boldest mission yet. We aim to inspire and engage a nation to become the first country in the world to surpass 100-years life expectancy for our residents – within 10 years. We continually seed bold missions in our community. Although we believe that whatever we set out to achieve […]

I wish I had the words

I wish I had the words

“I wish I had the words,” I said to myself. After a challenging media interview recently, I shed some tears of frustration because I had struggled to express what I wanted to convey. I have often felt this way – even more so, when I was younger. I feel as if I am trying to […]

Celebrate Your Bright Spots

Celebrate Your Bright Spots

‘Celebrate Your Bright Spots.’ This phrase came from fellow community changemaker, Greg Tehven, and it is one that has stayed with me. Greg and others’ work is nothing short of incredible in Fargo, North Dakota – a place that is managing to reinvent itself without (what Greg calls) ‘distractions’: no stunning scenery, mountains or beaches […]

The Journey to 100

The Journey to 100

What is it, to live a long and healthy life? Mark Twain famously said “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” I remember the day I found my ‘why’. It was November 4th, 2010. I had an epiphany – creating such […]

The Moment

The Moment

I can recognise in people’s eyes the moment that changes everything. That moment when the fear inside becomes less pressing than the desire to make a difference. I remember my own moment, just over 3 years ago, when the power of possibility and necessity burst through my own fear of stepping out into the world […]



When I am speaking on stage, I often wear a shirt that says: ‘Believe’. Most of my work in the world involves getting people to believe in what they can achieve. One of my strengths is believing in the impossible, and I try to pass that belief on to others. My times at the neuroscience […]

The Best Place to Live on Earth

The Best Place to Live on Earth

Just over 3 years ago, my co-founder, Jock, and I first conceived the project to make Guernsey the best place to live on earth by 2020. We were having coffee outside, by the sea, on a beautiful day, observing people walking to and from their workplaces, ignoring the wonder of what was around them. Both […]

The Prophet

The Prophet

You’re never a prophet in your own land. That’s what I tell people who are trying to make changes in my own community. I often see the frustration of people trying to make ideas happen – expecting people to just listen to reason and logic. What they don’t realise is that within your own community, […]

Letting It Flow

Letting It Flow

Most mornings, I walk my faithful hound along beside a stream, towards a field of dandelions. Daily, it is a therapeutic and life-resetting journey for me. The stream serves as a constant reminder to go with the flow, rather than swimming against the current. Following this principle is key to our project to make Guernsey […]

The Minister of the Future

The Minister of the Future

A little while ago, I saw an article about Sweden’s Minister of the Future. It triggered something in me, because it is precisely the approach I wish more governments would adopt. Now, more than ever, it is becoming really important that governments adopt long-term thinking. Looking at governments and major organisations around the world, the […]