How Doing Nothing Helped Me To Achieve Everything

How Doing Nothing Helped Me To Achieve Everything

I have a disability: I can’t actually ‘do’ anything! Anything involving repetitive tasks literally drains all my energy very quickly and sends me into a dark place. I do nothing. My story begins with my Dad leaving school at 14 and through his own hard work, guile and tenacity, making a lot of money. The […]

F*ck it! I’m Off to Change the World…

F*ck it! I’m Off to Change the World…

I suffer from vertigo. Really bad vertigo. Whenever I go high up, all I want to do is lie down with my eyes shut and hold onto the floor. I hate that feeling and I really try hard not to let it hold me back. I have jumped out of an aeroplane and climbed tall […]

If I lost everything, would you help me?

If I lost everything, would you help me?

“The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself!” Franklin D Roosevelt I’d like to ask you a simple question, right now: “If I lost everything, would you help me?” If you’re keen to respond, you can go straight to the comments section at the bottom of the page, or I can explain a […]

Go Out And Make A Dent In The Universe

Go Out And Make A Dent In The Universe

“I want to put a ding in the universe” Steve Jobs Have you ever asked yourself the question: What are you working for, after all? What is it all for? ● To finance that mochaccino a day that helps you work, rest and play? ● The detached house with a swimming pool? ● That fabulous […]

Quite frankly I couldn’t give a **** about your business

Quite frankly I couldn’t give a **** about your business

“If only. Those must be the two saddest words in the world” Mercedes Lackey Where are you trying to get to?’ That is a question that I ask every entrepreneur I work with: Without fail, I get an answer about their business. But it is a trick question. This is just a way of them reaffirming […]

How to Avoid The Hedonic Treadmill

How to Avoid The Hedonic Treadmill

“Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn’t matter to me… Going to bed at night saying we’ve done something wonderful… That’s what matters to me.” Steve Jobs If you want to achieve something big, owning things can hold you back. The bigger your house, the greater the number of cars you have, the more the […]

Too much information

Too much information

“No news is good news.” Ludovic Halevy Many of us spend our days bombarded with information – either from newspapers, tv, radio, mail; or with our heads in the high-tech “clouds.” We text and email like it’s a matter of life and death. Yet despite this unprecedented connectedness, we can sometimes feel more disconnected than […]

The Ultimate Short Cut to an Ideal Life

The Ultimate Short Cut to an Ideal Life

If you don’t know what you want out of life, then it is quite hard to set out to get it. The ultimate shortcut to your ideal life – getting to where you want to go in the shortest possible time – can only really be taken if you know where you want to get […]

The Happiness Advantage

The Happiness Advantage

Is this the Greatest Win Win Idea in Business? I think this win win idea might be one of the best I have ever come across. Did you know that people who start off happy are more likely to succeed than people who start off unhappy? People who are happy have a competitive advantage over […]