Just over a week ago, I ticked another item off my bucket list. I went up in a hot air balloon. One thing we were lucky enough to achieve on our adventure was a soft landing. A beautifully soft landing. As I go through some of the craziest weeks of my life, I do start […]

Thinking and Feeling
There are three questions I like to ask myself whenever I have a big decision to make: What do I think about this? What do I feel about this? Why is there a difference? At one time, I did not imagine there could be any possible difference in my answers to the first two questions. […]

2 years
It is just under two years since I publicly declared in a blog post that I was going to change the world. It is just under two years since I took the leap, left my comfort zone and lived up to what I am truly capable of. I wrote that post after completely rewiring how […]

The Alleviation of Wealth
I have a problem with the general perception of poverty in the world today. People seem to think it’s all about money. It’s not. Over the past couple of decades, I have seen the damage caused by the poverty industry, from the unintended consequences of aid programmes. I have interacted with many charity leaders who […]

The Global Brain
Something that has fascinated me throughout my life is the human mind. One of the real tragedies I have discovered is that the human mind holds us back more than anything else. The human mind has not had a serious upgrade in over 50,000 years. No matter who we are, how powerful our position or […]

Learning from the very edge
Just over two years ago, I saw an image that transformed my thinking on education and altered the course of my life. It was a picture of an 8 year old girl teaching a Biotech class to adults. The reason she could teach it is because she started learning about the subject 6 months beforehand. […]

The Shift from Wealth to Impact
“If you are giving back, then you took too much.” These are my favourite words spoken at TEDGlobal by the genius maverick entrepreneur Ricardo Semler. I also reflect on the words of Peter Diamandis (Co-Founder of Singularity University and The X-Prize) at the recent Singularity Summit in Amsterdam: “If you want to make a billion […]

The Original Assumption
Last week I was the most exhausted I have been for quite a time. I was so tired that I could not finish my blog post on The Kindness Virus. I have to confess that the second half (or better half) of the post was actually written by my wonderful wife, Valerie. This was the […]

The Kindness Virus
Last week, I received a masterclass from one of the most remarkable human beings I have ever had the pleasure to spend time with. That man was John Sweeney,, the Founder of Suspended Coffees: a fast-growing worldwide movement that has positively impacted hundreds of thousands of lives with random acts of kindness. A suspended coffee […]

A Journey Into The Unknown
On the 3rd of August 1492, Christopher Columbus set sail with 3 ships to discover a Western trade route to the East. Interestingly, his journey was the result of a miscalculation that the world was smaller than it actually was. If not for the existence of the New World, they would certainly have all perished. […]