The Inflection Point

The Inflection Point

The term ‘inflection point’ is used in both business and mathematics to describe either: a moment of dramatic change, especially in the development of a company, industry, or market Or a point on a curve, at which the curvature changes from convex to concave, or vice versa. When I think about what I do in […]

And then what?

And then what?

Some people know why they do what they do, and others don’t know. There are very few who know what their plan in life is, for after they have done what they are doing. When you eventually retire, or the kids leave home, or you’ve got that promotion, or sold that business – ask yourself: […]

The Silent Intervention

The Silent Intervention

There is great power in the void of silence. At times, it can be far harder to say or do nothing, than it is to say or do something. We are often too quick to react and to act, rather than just ‘let things be’. There is such a call  to take effective action in […]

More Human

More Human

I was recently recommended a book called More Human by Steve Hilton. It talks about the many ways we can design a world in which humans come first. All our institutions – from government to business; our lives; our education; our food; our health systems – have all become too big, impersonal and industrialised. The […]

Making the Pan Boil

Making the Pan Boil

I often use a particular analogy to describe the work I do. I talk about ‘making the pan boil’. I see every new idea or solution that progresses the world as heat in the system. I see the world as a big bathtub and all the solutions around the world gently heating that bathtub. Because […]



Breathing is such a simple thing. And yet we take it for granted. My recently newborn son struggled to breathe on his own for the first days of his life. As a result of this, I have a newfound appreciation for the wonder of breathing and its capacity for life. After all, without it, none […]

Bending Time

Bending Time

Every time I walk on the beach with my family, I keep an eye out for sea glass. These are broken shards of old green, blue and white glass bottles that have washed ashore, weathered over time by the sea and sand into smooth, rounded translucent shapes. On each of my walks, I find a […]

The Trauma Gateway

The Trauma Gateway

I recently came across an inspirational TED talk on How Childhood Trauma Affects Health Across a Lifetime, by Doctor Nadine Burke Harris, a pediatrician in southeastern San Francisco. She began to wonder if there were wider reasons for the trends she saw in children developing illnesses and conditions. She said, ‘A lot of kids were […]

The world will keep on improving without me

The world will keep on improving without me

Last week, I blogged about how the world was actually getting better every day and  the importance of having gratitude for that fact. This week, I want to share something to which I give much consideration whenever I reflect on what I am doing. The world is on an unstoppable path of improvement. There are […]

Look How Far We Have Come

Look How Far We Have Come

For someone like me, who is deeply focussed on helping to create a wonderful future, it is hard to spend much time thinking about the past or the present. This can be deeply challenging for those closest to me and the people I interact with. Living with a perpetual mindset that everything can be greatly […]