Are you happy? ‘Yes,’ was the answer I consistently gave, throughout most of my life. On the surface, I genuinely believed this was the case, because I didn’t have a reference point to truly understand what happiness is. Sure, I had extreme highs – but I also had a lot of lows. My own particular […]

Redefining The Edge
On June 30th, we launch our boldest mission yet. We aim to inspire and engage a nation to become the first country in the world to surpass 100-years life expectancy for our residents – within 10 years. We continually seed bold missions in our community. Although we believe that whatever we set out to achieve […]

The Journey to 100
What is it, to live a long and healthy life? Mark Twain famously said “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” I remember the day I found my ‘why’. It was November 4th, 2010. I had an epiphany – creating such […]

Raising the State
Two weeks ago I wrote a blog post on forgiveness – which proved to receive quite a bit of feedback. Most of it has been overwhelmingly positive, but there have been a couple of questions worth further consideration. Some people asked: ‘What if I can’t forgive?’ Some of you find it an impossible task to […]

More Human
I was recently recommended a book called More Human by Steve Hilton. It talks about the many ways we can design a world in which humans come first. All our institutions – from government to business; our lives; our education; our food; our health systems – have all become too big, impersonal and industrialised. The […]

Breathing is such a simple thing. And yet we take it for granted. My recently newborn son struggled to breathe on his own for the first days of his life. As a result of this, I have a newfound appreciation for the wonder of breathing and its capacity for life. After all, without it, none […]

The world will keep on improving without me
Last week, I blogged about how the world was actually getting better every day and the importance of having gratitude for that fact. This week, I want to share something to which I give much consideration whenever I reflect on what I am doing. The world is on an unstoppable path of improvement. There are […]

The Rebirth of Trust
There was a time when our world was ‘local’. When you knew your neighbour well. When you could let your kids play in the street without fear. When you trusted people. In many ways, we have lost that trust. Even at a local level. Access to global information and the use of negative media to […]

The Impact Pledge
There often comes a time in many people’s lives when they have achieved success, made a great deal of money and they now feel that they want to ‘give back’ to society and to those less fortunate than themselves. But I wonder about the efficacy of philanthropy in general – whereby trusts and foundations are […]

Why Soylent is the Future of Medicine
For me, Soylent is one of the most interesting startups in the world, right now. It is a Silicon Valley food company, looking to revolutionise the global food industry. Their mission is to provide maximum nutrition with minimum effort. The first generation of Soylent’s products launched commercially in May last year, as a powdered meal […]